Kituo Cha Afya - Rural Health Centre
Nyololo Tanzania
A cluster-based non-randomized interventional study has been implemented since June 2019 in the Iringa Region with the aim of highlighting the ability of the PANDA system to improve the quality of prenatal and postnatal visits. Nyololo is the implementation site where visits are performed using the PANDA app, while Usokami is the control site where visits are provided according to standard protocols. The project plans to involve around 600 pregnant women at the intervention site and 600 at the control site.
Until February 2020, around 500 women were enrolled and more than 1200 ANC/PNC has been provided. The activity is carried out in Nyololo and Maduma centres as well as in outreach.
The PANDA project in Tanzania is implemented by the NGO COPE in collaboration with the Tanzania Ministry of Health and funded by the Laerdal Foundation. The University of Dodoma and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia guarantee scientific support over the course of the research project.
Tanzania Context
Location: Tanzania est Africa
Official language: Swahili, Bantu English
Population: 56,3 million people
Nyololo population: 11,979 people
Maternal mortality rate: 578 deaths per 100,000 live births